All Hail the Mighty Python

Python is bae. This is the hill I will live, fight, and die on, and I will give you the countless reasons why I bent the knee and swore fealty to it. bend the knee.png

1. Python is beginner friendly:

Python is a high-level programming language which means it is written in a language that almost resembles the English language. Compared to lower level programming languages like Java, this makes it easier and less scary for programming newbies to learn. To illustrate, I will write two lines of code, one in Python and the other in Java. Both lines will output "Hello, World."

Python: print("Hello, World.")

Java: System.out.println("Hello, World.");

As you can clearly see, Python is much more intuitive and understandable at first glance than Java, and so is going to be less of a turn off to newbies.

2. Python is less punctuation-crazy

You see the above lines of code? Note that the line (called a statement) in Java ends with a semicolon, which is called a statement terminator. Basically, it is like a full stop when you are typing or writing. The bad thing about Java and C++ and other languages like them is that if you fail to include the statement terminator at the end of your lines of code, the world is going to literally explode and the Day of Judgement will arrive sooner than planned.

Just kidding. Your compiler will just throw a tantrum and tell you it won't run your code unless you fix this. And, trust me, it can get quite annoying and frustrating, especially if you spent hours working on a complex piece of code only to be derailed by a message about missing a mere semicolon. With Python, you don't have to worry about this and you can dedicate the better part of your time and your attention to writing the actual code.

3. Plenty of resources

billions.gif Compared to other programming languages (with the exception of some popular ones like JavaScript), Python has a vast array of free learning materials available. You can find videos on YouTube, Udemy, and Udacity, or you can opt for reading articles like Medium, GeeksForGeeks, and RealPython. If you're a practical learner like me, you can make use of platforms such as CodeCademy, DataCamp, Educative, and DataQuest that take you through the concepts bit by bit while also testing you before you move on to the next topic. And if something doesn't work for you or you find it too hard to understand, there's no need to lose hope, just look for something else that you can understand more easily.

Furthermore, if you are having a challenge or an issue that stubbornly refuses to be resolved, just Google the error message you are getting and head over to Stack Overflow. More often than not, you will find that almost everyone else in the world had the same problem you are going through and they received help on it. It is very rare to not find a solution to your Python struggles.

4. Wide range of application

Interested in game development? Python got you covered. Venturing out into web development? Just hit Python up. Decided to join the AI side? Python will be your light and guide. Working with Natural Language Processing? Interested in Data Analysis? Creating a cool desktop GUI? Who you gonna call? PYTHON!

The only thing Python can't do (for now) is allow you to download food from the Internet. But I'm sure some enthusiastic researchers and programmers are working on it.

So, are you ready to make the best decision of your life and learn Python? snakes_learning_python.png